Commerce in 2040

Business moves at the speed of technology. More than that, business changes as fast as technology can reach the shopping public. At the 2019 Blackhawk Network Summit, we brought together dozens of experts in payments, customer experience, digital engagement and generational behavior to help us imagine the future. Michelle Evans, global head of digital consumer research at Euromonitor, shared her insights into how the world will change by 2040. 

Read the full ebook, Commerce 2040: Redefining the Consumer Shopping Experience, to see how your business can start building meaningful customer relationships today.

Blackhawk Network is shaping the future of global branded payments and helping you stay current on market trends—now and in the future. Download the ebook to learn more today! 

Have follow-up questions on this ebook, or how we can help? We're happy to talk strategy with you. Start a conversation today or call us today at 833.302.5745


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