BrandedPay 2019 Holiday Forecast

BrandedPay 2019 Holiday Forecast 

If you want to ensure your gift card program is optimized for the holidays, the more you know, the better. That's why Blackhawk Network has pulled together our own US sales data and responses from more than 3,000 consumers to bring you the BrandedPay 2019 Holiday Forecast, a prediction of 2019 holiday shopping and gift card trends. 

In this report, we're forecasting (among many other things)*: 

  • A 7% increase in holiday gift card spend 
  • 32% of shoppers are planning to spend more than last year 
  • Shoppers will spend 35% of their holiday gift budget on gift cards 


Consumer confidence is high heading into the holidays. Make sure your gift card program is positioned to make the most of this opportunity. 

Have follow-up questions on this report, or how we can help? We're happy to talk strategy with you. Start a conversation today or call us today at 833.302.5745 

* Blackhawk Network, Holiday Sentiment Study, conducted by Murphy Research, August 2019